The Best Villages in Provence: 6 Enchanting Villages to Explore

White and purple flowers near concrete buildings in Roussillon

Posted by on 31 Jul 2024

When most people think of France, iconic landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower and the Palace of Versailles often come to mind. However, beyond the bustling streets of Paris and the grandeur of its famed attractions lies a region that captures the heart and soul of France differently.

Provence, with its diverse landscapes, charming villages and hidden artistic treasures, offers a unique and unforgettable experience for travellers seeking to explore the true essence of the French countryside.

Let’s go on a journey through the best villages in Provence. Discover the vibrant ochre cliffs of Roussillon, breathtaking views of Eze, and the cobblestone streets of Lourmarin. Whether you’re an art lover, history buff or nature enthusiast, these Provençal villages offer something special for everyone.

The 6 Best Villages in Provence


Gordes is one of the most iconic Provençal villages. This remarkable village is located amidst the rugged landscapes of the Luberon Regional Nature Park. It offers a dramatic setting of cobblestone streets and stone buildings, exuding a quaint charm that has captivated artists, tourists and locals.

Fun fact about Gordes: it has been home to many celebrated painters, including Marc Chagall, André Lhote, Jean Deyrolle, Victor Vasarely and Pol Mara. One can say that the quintessential Provençal village inspired them to create their masterpieces.

Don’t forget to include these in your itinerary:

      Village des Bories: This open-air museum features a collection of ancient dry-stone huts that were historically used as shelters and storage by shepherds and farmers. These preserved structures allow visitors to learn more about traditional rural architecture and the way of life.
      Abbaye Notre-Dame de Sénanque: Surrounded by lush lavender fields that bloom in summer, this Cistercian abbey stuns with magnificent Romanesque architecture.

Getting There: Gordes is about an hour’s drive from Avignon. Renting a car is most convenient as you can explore the surrounding areas at your own pace. Alternatively, you can take a train to Avignon and then a bus or taxi to Gordes. However, bus services are less frequent, so checking schedules in advance is best.


Located high in the Vaucluse, Roussillon is one of the most beautiful hilltop villages in the Luberon region. Famed for its striking ochre cliffs and quarries of red and yellow clay and deep orange soil, Roussillon offers a unique landscape unlike any other. In fact, it has been an invaluable source of ochre pigment since the 18th century.

Sights and activities in Roussillon include:

      Sentier des Ocres (Ochre Trail): This scenic trail takes you to the pride of Roussillon. Be fascinated by the stunning warm palette of this Provence village. You can choose between two family-friendly routes: a short 30-minute or longer 60-minute loop.
      Conservatoire des Ocres et de la Couleur: This conservatory is dedicated to the history and techniques of ochre mining and processing. Take a guided tour or participate in a workshop about traditional extraction methods.

Getting There: It’s best to travel to Roussillon by car, as public transportation options are more limited.


This small village in Alpes-de-Haute-Provence is considered one of the best villages in Provence. While Moustiers is picturesque itself, being nestled between two massive cliffs, its surrounding countryside offers an equally breathtaking sight.

Make the most of your visit to Moustiers by including these in your itinerary:

      Notre-Dame de Beauvoir Chapel: This historic chapel is perched above the village and stuns with mesmerising views of the village and its surrounding landscapes. Come prepared as it takes 262 steps to climb the ancient path, but the reward at its peak is priceless.
      Lac de Sainte-Croix: If you like water activities such as swimming, kayaking, and paddleboarding, this stunning artificial lake is for you. Its turquoise waters and scenic backdrop also make it a popular tourist attraction.
      Gorges du Verdon: Known as the “Grand Canyon of Europe,” this spectacular river canyon offers breathtaking views and adrenaline-pumping activities, including hikes, rock climbing and boat trips.

Getting There: Travel time by car depends on where you’re coming from. It takes two hours from Aix-en-Provence and just over an hour from Manosque. You can consider public transport, but local bus schedules are infrequent.


While often overlooked, this Provence village is as beautiful as any other in the Luberon region. In fact, what sets it apart is its unique location, as it is one of the few towns that isn’t situated up a hill.

Famous spots and must-try activities include:

      Château de Lourmarin: This Renaissance castle, built in the 15th and 16th centuries, is considered one of the best castles in Southern France. It is open year-round, allowing travellers to explore its restored interiors and admire collections of furniture, art and musical instruments.
      Village Streets and Architecture: The streets and town centre are lined with charming stone houses, endearing boutiques, art galleries and cafés.
      Albert Camus’ Grave: French author and Nobel Prize winner Albert Camus spent his last years in Lourmarin and is buried in the village cemetery.

Getting There: It takes roughly 60 minutes and 90 minutes to get to Lourmarin if you’re coming from Aix-en-Provence and Avignon, respectively. Trains to both origins are available, then you can take a bus afterwards.


Eze, a jewel perched above the Mediterranean, is a breathtaking hilltop village nestled between Nice and Monaco on the French Riviera. It is renowned for its panoramic views, Mediaeval architecture and winding cobblestone streets, making every visit an unforgettable experience for visitors.

Glimpse into the charm and beauty Eze has to offer with these exciting activities and magnificent sights:

      Jardin Exotique (Exotic Garden): Stroll through the garden’s winding paths as you identify exotic plants and cacti. Apart from diverse plant life, you can admire the breathtaking panoramic views of the Mediterranean Sea.
      Fragonard Perfume Factory: Learn the art of perfume-making and explore the various fragrances in a guided factory tour.

Getting There: Eze is located just off the A8 motorway between Nice and Monaco, so it is easily accessible by car. Similarly, you can take a train to Eze-sur-Mer station and a bus to the village. If you're feeling adventurous, there is also a steep, rocky hiking trail called Sentier Nietzsche. This 426-metre climb takes about an hour but is rewarded with unforgettable views over the Côte d’Azur.


Saint-Paul-de-Vence is one of the most preserved and oldest mediaeval towns in France. This picturesque Provence village is just a short drive from Nice and the French Riviera.

Make your visit to Saint-Paul-de-Vence worthwhile by including these in your itinerary:

      Fondation Maeght: This popular tourist destination is one of Europe’s most important modern art museums. It houses works by artists such as Joan Miró, Alexander Calder and Marc Chagall. Explore the museum’s impressive collection of paintings, sculptures and installations.
      Café de la Place: Take a break from your Provence exploration and enjoy a cup of coffee or glass of wine at Café de la Place.
      Ramparts Walk: This Provence village is encircled by ancient ramparts which you can walk on. Inside are galleries, art studios, boutiques, craft shops and other attractions, where you can easily lose track of time.

Getting There: Saint-Paul-de-Vence is just a short drive from Nice, Cannes and other towns along the French Riviera. Buses from nearby towns are also available, but they are less convenient.

Fall In Love with Provençal Villages

Provence doesn’t fall short in offering a perfect blend of history, culture and natural beauty. After all, various Provençal villages offer a little something for every kind of traveller.

Whether you’re wandering through the lavender fields of Gordes or exploring the artistic streets of Saint-Paul-de-Vence, each village provides a unique glimpse into this enchanting region's quaint charm and allure.

When experience matters